Wednesday 30 May 2012

DIY Marbleized Nails!

Today I thought I'd share a few photos (and advice) of my interpretation of marbleized nails. This is my second attempt at this particular nail polish DIY, and I'm quite pleased with the results. I find that the method I used (with a bowl of water and toothpick, you can find tons of videos on YouTube!) takes A LOT of practice, and you kind of have to adapt it to your taste.

I used Essie's Fiji as a base, which I did't do the first time I tried this. You don't have to use a base, but the colours will be very sheer if you don't. A white nail polish is probably best, but Fiji was the closest I had! As for the rest of the colours, I used my two American Apparel nail polishes in Office and Smoke Dazzle. I had used Office in my first attempt, but I was curious about how shimmery polishes would look, so I tried Smoke Dazzle. It looked amazing swirled around because the glittery bits were still visible!

I really love the colour combination of these three nail polishes; with this swirly design they remind me of cotton candy! The designs on my other hand were reminiscent of a watercolour painting, and also kind of resembled this shirt from American Apparel.

As you can see, all of the nails vary in colour saturation, especially my middle finger. You can't have a set image of what you want your final product to look like because it's impossible to re-create the same design over and over... Well, at least it is for me! 

A few final tips in case you wish to try this:

- Different videos will tell you various ways to prevent getting the excess nail polish on your skin, but I find the most effective is tape, though it is quite tedious because I like to apply it before doing each nail individually. I hear that Vaseline is a good alternative, but have stayed away because it sounds messy. You can even opt to skip this step altogether, but removing the excess nail polish with nail polish remover may lead you to rub off the designs on other nails.

- I first tried this with one of my friends, and I recommend you do the same! Just make sure you have a lot of spare time, as it could take a while.

- And last but not least, you should really do this in a well ventilated room because the fumes from the polishes and remover can give you a nasty headache!

I hope you give this a try, and leave links to pictures below if you do!

- Tess

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